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Section 7: Our Approach

7.1 How to Confront Someone that We Suspect to be a Trafficker?

Staying away from suspected traffickers should always be a priority. Traffickers would do anything to gain control of their commodity or product- in some cases, that might be you. Your safety is completely jeopardized when they choose to act, meaning you should immediately get away and try to avoid any direct confrontation. When you arrive at a safe space, report to the law enforcement through the national human trafficking hotline +1(888) 3737-888. This number will direct you to a local authority who can handle the case and assist you directly with professional knowledge.

7.3 How Can We Help?

There are many ways to join the fight against human trafficking. One way is to donate to anti-trafficking nonprofits through Facebook, or make purchases using AmazonSmile, which donates a small percentage of your purchasing price to anti-trafficking nonprofits without extra cost. Buying from ethically-sourced clothing brands is also an important anti-trafficking effort.

Another way to join the fight against trafficking is through volunteer work for anti-trafficking nonprofits.  For example, if you have an expertise in art, then you can definitely contact these non-profits and suggest to help design posters or graphics; if you are a photographer, you can volunteer at events and take pictures for these non-profits to post on their websites. There are numerous ways to help if you have the initiative to reach out and ask.


To combat trafficking, we need advocates. So most importantly, educate yourself and those around you. You can bring this conversation into your daily dialogues with your community and call for people’s attention or even write articles, create short films and informed art to raise awareness.


We encourage you to get creative, and think of more ways to involve yourself in fighting human trafficking.


1. True or False: It is possible to eradicate human trafficking without finding all the traffickers.
3. True or False: We should find the ways to fight human trafficking based on our knowledge and skills.

Correct Answers are:

1. True - as long as we target the buyer population

2. +1(888) 3737-888

3. True


Congrats! You’ve just finished an introductory course on human trafficking. But as we stated earlier, this course is only a segment of the industry - don’t consider it an end, but an beginning to your education on human trafficking.

©2021 by Future Unchained

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